Steve Elkins Proposed OLAP Glossary Addendum There are a lot of terms that we bandy about on this forum that aren't included in the "official" OLAP glossary. Metadata Data which describes the structure of a hypercube. Literally: data about data. MDD or MDDB: Multi-Dimensional Database Server An OLAP server that physically stores its data in multi-dimensional array format. Synonym: "Pure" OLAP Server See: RDBMS based OLAP Server RDBMS Based OLAP Server An OLAP server that physically stores its data in a set of tables in a relational database. Synonym: "Virtual" OLAP Server See: MDD or MDDB: Multi-dimensional Database, Star Schema, Snowflake Schema. Star Schema Database A database schema used in some RDBMS based OLAP servers in which all values of measures are stored in a "fact table" along with simple numeric keys representing the dimension members with which the values are associated. The descriptive member names that are associated with each numeric key in the fact table are stored in denormalized dimension tables, one per dimension of the hypercube. The dimension tables also describe the hierarchical relationships in each dimension. See: RDBMS Based OLAP Server, Snowflake Schema Database Snowflake Schema Database A variation of the star schema database in which the dimension tables are normalized. This will improve performance in cases where a star schema dimension table would so large that unreasonable amounts of disk storage would be required and query performance would be degraded See: RDBMS Based OLAP Server, Star Schema Database Tuple See: Cell Measure A member with a numeric value. For example, revenue, units sold, operating cost, etc. Synonyms: Variable, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) See: Member-Dimension, Calculated Member, Variable See: Measure Drill Through See: Reach Through Combinatorial Explosion The tendency of hypercubes to grow very quickly in size (number of member combinations) as dimensions, (and, to a lesser degree, members) are added to its structure. Partitioning The division of a single, ideal, logical hypercube into several smaller logical cubes in order to address the problem of combinatorial explosion. See: Combinatorial Explosion Multicube A logical hypercube physically composed of several smaller cubes, usually one per measure. Scenario A dimension used in many hypercubes that contains members that describe different versions of measures. For example, budget, actual, forecast, etc. Multiple Simultaneous Hierarchies The ability of a child to have hierarchical relationships with more than one parent. For example, a child, cola in 12oz cans, with two parents: canned drinks and cola drinks. The same detailed data is rolled-up through two or more hierarchical aggregation paths. See: Hierarchical Relationships, Parent, Children Intelligent Agent A software object that searches a database on a set schedule, looking for pre defined patterns in the values of measures. When patterns that meet these criteria are found they are automatically brought to the attention of the end user. For example, an intelligent agent might search a hypercube each time it is updated with new values, looking for cities where sales have dropped by more than 10% from the prior period to the current period, and present this information to the sales manager when he logs on to the system.